At this training school, Ichika is reunited with two of his childhood friends, Houki Shinonono and Lingyin Huang, and befriends Cecilia Alcott, an IS representative from the United Kingdom. Guided by the legendary pilot Chifuyu Orimura—their strict homeroom teacher and Ichika's older sister—Ichika and the girls will need to use everything at their disposal to defend themselves and their academy against the dangers that will arise during the course of their thrilling school life. [Written by MAL Rewrite].
IS (Infinite Stratos) IS (: IS〈インフィニット・ストラトス〉,: IS ) is a Japanese series by Izuru Yumizuru with illustrations provided by Okiura (original MF novels) and CHOCO (new Overlap novels). As of October 2013, 7 volumes have been published by under their label. From volume 8 onwards, the novels are published by Overlap under their Overlap Bunko label.