Controlled drugs are rated in the order of their abuse risk and placed in Schedules by the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). The drugs with the highest abuse potential are placed in Schedule I, and those with the lowest abuse potential are in Schedule V. These schedules are commonly shown as C-I, C-II, C-III, C-IV, and C-V.
Schedule 3 Drugs
The Schedule 4 narcotics list contains drugs that carry a mild abuse potential. Even with a mild abuse potential, certain laws and regulations apply for the manufacture and distribution of any drug found on the Schedule 4 narcotics list. Prescription Drug Regulations.
Some examples of drugs in these Schedules are as follows: • Schedule I drugs with a high abuse risk. These drugs have NO safe, accepted medical use in the United States. Some examples are heroin, marijuana, LSD, PCP, and crack cocaine. • Schedule II drugs with a high abuse risk, but also have safe and accepted medical uses in the United States.